SportsEngine Registration: Ice Den Chandler

2024 CAHL New Player/Free Agent Inquiry Profile Form


CAHL New Player/Free Agent Inquiry Profile Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the CAHL.

Please note, completing this form is not an official registration and DOES NOT guarantee placement on a roster.  

CAHL seasons are traditionally scheduled as below with Roster Freeze Deadlines.  No new players, sub player additions or roster changes after the posted deadline.  No drop-ins. No exceptions.

Fall/Winter = September - March (Roster Freeze: 12/1)

Spring/Summer = April - August (Roster Freeze: 5/31) 

Adult players can participate in Adult Open Hockey and Adult Stick Time sessions as published online. Advance online registration required. Or players are encouraged to network within the Ice Den Community to join 3rd party managed adult hockey organizations including Puckhead Hockey, AZOGH, etc.

A member of the CAHL will respond to your inquiry within 72 hours.